Monday, January 14, 2008

You Gotta Have Heart!

A Snippet
When I was little I used to practice writing in the dark. When I was in bed, but not going to sleep. When we lived in the white house with the brown paneled walls in the mountains in northern California. I was pretty sure that when I grew up, I would win the world championship of the Best Handwriting in the Dark contest because I had practiced so much when I was a kid. Sometimes I would even practice writing with my left hand in the dark. I figured this would give me an even greater advantage

My first lube
I can’t sleep. I just can’t fall back to sleep for the 3rd time tonight waiting to hear ChicaPoo cough pitifully and sounding like someone stuffed a whistle and socks down her throat. I lay there wanting to read but not wanting to wake D as he has a job interview this morning. sigh. I toss and turn. My mind starts to relax and I wander around aimlessly thoughts popping into my head without much segue. Chica’s preschool. I hate they want to give lollipops for being quiet in the hall. Can’t th

Build a Twin Over Full Mattress Bunk Bed With Standard Lumber
Filed under: kids, weekend projects, wood workingI built this bed to fit into a dormer that is only 73" wide; a standard mattress length is 75". I saw this similar design at a furniture store for more money than I have to give. This design can be adapted to standard or custom lengths. I ordered foam mattresses that I shortened to fit with an electric knife. To start, send the kids away for the weekend; this is a huge project that took about 20 hours for my wife and me to complete. Hand-pick th

Procrastinating on a rainy day
I’m sitting here in front of my computer, not thinking about what I need to do, but looking out the window to my right. It’s heavily overcast and raining, with a lot of thunder. It’s a Sunday afternoon, after church and after lunch - perfect for taking a nap. I’ll do that eventually. Instead, I logged on to the computer to finish an Amazon order that I promised Doc, and to type up and email out our Sunday school class prayer and praise list (I do this each week for the class). I have finished

Ikea to Open Next Month
OK, my secret is out in the open, I am an IKEA lover. I love the furniture, the bits and bobs, the storage ideas, the kids bedrooms, the fabrics, the lighting, I could go on but I shan't as I'm sure you're getting the picture. I love it that much that I've just completed an online survey that IKEA are running to find out how mcuh you love your home and I've come out pretty well. It is with quite a bit of excitement then, that I am looking forward to the new bigger and better IKEA store ope

children furniture

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