Monday, January 14, 2008

PMS On Candidates

Office Complete
This is gonna make working from home a bit nicer and easier, I never had grown-up furniture before (and I still don't this is pressboard shit from Office Max). My clothes are in a taller dresser, which holds more - and the closet you can't see to the right out of sight. The loading bench as its own light and power, and we swapped out the 40-watt heater-lamps in the hutches for more rational 25-

Headline Of The Week Weak
"The dark side of Mike Huckabee" This is just the tip of the iceberg! CLICK HERE to read the article accompanying this headline. The dark side of Mike Huckabee The national media seems to have a crush on our ex-governor, but here in Arkansas, we know better. The Pony Express has reached us here in the Arkansas backwoods with the latest journals from the big cities. So the country correspondents have taken a break from hand-setting lines of type to read the Beltway boys and girls rave ab

When I am an Old Woman, I Shall Wear Black. And be Bossy.
Speaking of Donn and his beret and his faux-French accent (why do you think he has this outRRRageous accent?), I have bad news: the accent is contagious. People, especially males between about 35 and 60, (ok, only males) see the beret and they just go off. “Ah, oui!” they shout at him. It’s getting a bit old. But yesterday morning, he ran into a friend of ours, an older woman, and she said, “Now Donn, you’re looking very French. Maybe a little too French.” We love this. We’ve been saying tha

Sunday Morning Funnies #9
January 13, 2008 Dear Ms. Williamson; That you for the letter you sent to me today, and also for the many other pieces of correspondence I have received from you over the past few months. I appreciate your concern with my well being and totally believe your claims that I can be one of the "Big Dicks" amongst my friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, most of my friends already realize I am a "Big Dick" (Or as they more often put it, a "Big Prick") and I don't honestly see how your pills a

My Latest Addiction
I have a confession: I am totally addicted to WEBKINZ. We got some for the kids last Christmas and then some new ones this Christmas. I also got the blue hippo for me and the polar bear for Brian. They are so cute and I just love playing in Webkinz world. It is a safe place for kids to hang out. We can all go to each others' houses and visit and play together. There are so many things to do like games (my favorite is Cash Cow) and educational stuff at Quizzy's. Good learning for the kids. Heck

My Visit to an Estate Sale
Sunday, my hubby and I walked down the street to an estate sale of a lady who died about a month ago. Her name was Dolores and she was a Christian. She was housebound from many ailments, had a home church, had a yappy fluffy puppy. She had neighbors who came and helped her with laundry, moving garbage cans, made visits, cut her grass. Her husband died many years ago. I’m told she told everyone who would listen she was ready to go home and be with her Tom. They had no children and a friend wh

More Military News: Baby girl, students, clinic
This is a very touching article, and it is sad at the same time. Thank God for our guys. Coalition, Afghan Soldiers save baby girl. by Media Center Bagram Bagram Media Center. January 9, 2008. Coalition medics stabilize a 1-year-old girl who was badly burned when she fell into a fire used to heat her family’s home in the Lashkar Gah District, Helmand Province. Coalition and Afghan National Security Forces worked together to save the girl’s life and arranged her transport to another military ou

children furniture

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